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Minister Joseph LE chairs the Interministerial Concertation of Different Administrations


Minister Joseph LE chairs the Interministerial Concertation of Different Administrations

In concomitance with the recommendations of the end of year 2019 speech of H.E Paul Biya which called for the modernization of the Public Service and following the recent national colloquium on the modernization of the Cameroonian Public Administration which took place last 13-15 January 2020, the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, chaired an interministerial concertation today 01 July 2020, to follow up on the advancements of the work on ground.

The concertation which was organized under the theme “Interministerial concertation on the challenges and constraints of the dematerialization of the procedures for Recruiting Public Officials at MINFOPRA”, was a unique opportunity for technical representatives of different administrations to present a situational analysis of the current mechanisms that have been adapted or are under preparations to achieve the dematerialization of procedures of recruitment in consideration of the advancements of the digital age.

In his opening speech, Minister LE noted the importance of the dematerialization of procedures involved in the recruitment of public officials, especially taking into account the usefulness of digital platforms which would help to simplify and accelerate the work load involved at different stages of the recruitment chain from one administration to the other.

In this light, he made precision on the fact that, to attain the objective of the Head of States and concretize the recommendations of the last national colloquium on the modernization of the Public service, it would be important to;

-Re-enforce capacities of personnel of different concerned administration,

-Acquire adequate equipment to facilitate the dematerialization of procedures in every concerned administration

- Ensure synergy of actions between the different concerned administrations.


The representatives who came from different administrations like (Minsante, Minfof, Minepat, Mintransport, Minesec, Minedub, Minpostel, Minepia, Minjustice, Minat, Minddevel, Minfi, Minfop, DGI) presented the different projects which have been adapted to ensure the dematerialization of some  documents like (medical report, medical certificates, certification of birth certificate, authentication of presentation of originals, certification of degrees, fiscal and communal stamps and certificate of non- conviction).

The meeting ended on a positive note, after discussions and a series of recommendations to actualize the current mechanisms adapted for the dematerialization of procedures involved in the recruitment chain from one administration to another.



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