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IWD 2025: Great Ladies of MINFOPRA on the pedestal

Gender parity and balance is deeply  engraved in the action plan of Minister Joseph LE's vision for the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform. From the least to the great positions, women work side by side with their male colleagues to achieve the general good of the user-kings of the public service.

With much joy and deep satisfaction, the Minister of  Public Service and Administrative Reform  Joseph LE hailed the female staff of his ministerial department in the closing party of the International Women's Day celebration yesterday 08th March 2025 at the esplanade of the gigantic MINFOPRA main building.

The week  leading up to the "D" day was charged with very engaging activities which capitalized on the theme  "For all Women and Girls: Rights, Equality and Empowerment" .
From educative talks to Gastronomy fair to aerobic exercises to grand ma tips to  arts and crafts, the great ladies of MINFOPRA turned out massively for all activities.

The fitness walk which launched the celebration of the International Women's Day in Cameroon under the chairmanship of the Minister of the promotion of Women and the Family, Marie Therese ABENA ONDOUA was highly attended by the great ladies on the 1st of March. On the 03rd of March, the women of MINFOPRA  gathered for educative reflections  on the rights of women in a talk moderated by the Director of General Affairs, Mr MBALABOUOM Alexis, Arsène. On the 4th of March, the great ladies presented their culinary skills to the rich public which attended the ceremony. From the   Centre- South region, one could see visitors grapple for the maize and cassava leaf delicacy "Sangha", "okok" and cassava, bush meat etc. The women of the rising sun region displayed their epic "mbol", "Foss" "Menkeli" etc. the coastal Littoral women were busy selling "Ndole and miondo", "Mbongo Chobi", roasted fish etc. the women of the highlands of the  West region reserved  "koki", "condré", "njapchte", "nkui" etc. the women of the North West region reserved "achu and yellow soup", "khati-kati and fufu corn" and "palm wine"etc, the women of the forest zone blazed the occasion with their much loved " water fufu and eru", "kwacoco bible" and "canda stew", "fried snails" etc. the women of the highlands of the grand North region displayed their foléré and kossam, rice pap and puff balls, Dakéré, baobab etc.
Gathering around Minister LE on the 05th of March, the great ladies engaged in  aerobic exercises  ending in much laughter and joy which continued with a session on grand ma tips and tricks on the 06th of March. The women learned how to treat many common diseases with natural herbs and medicines and they produced
 jewelleries from  beautiful colored pearls of different sizes and shapes.
The engaging week ended with a much appreciated match past at the 20th May boulevard on the 08th of March. Paraphrasing  Minister LE's words, the first lady of the nation, Mrs Chantal BIYA was thrilled by the organized display of the great ladies whose attire won the attention and admiration of all on the grandstand.

 In an interview granted to the press, the overjoyed Minister LE reiterated his satisfaction with the women folk  of his ministerial department, while inviting them to remain assiduous for the completion of the establishment of the  AIGLES application software.

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Key players trained in the use of AIGLES: Senior Officials of public administrations met in Kribi for a two- day class on the software application

After 206 km as the crow flies, AIGLES landed at the seaside town of Cameroon, Kribi, on January 16,2025, for an induction and sensitisation seminar in the use of the new personnel and payroll management application software (AIGLES). The 2-day workshop  presided by Joseph LE, Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform, moreover chairman of the interministerial committee responsible for implementing the application, had as special guests territorial authorities of the south region, who came in numbers to witness this transformation tool that repositions the Cameroonian public administration on international standards.

Placed under the theme innovation and performance in the management of State human resources: Presentation of the AIGLES application(new personnel and payroll management application software) , the seminar aimed to align senior officials of the administration, with the new situation in terms of career management and the salary of public agents, for a more transparent and modern public administration.

The software AIGLES required a perfect mastery of all the modules, by the state human resources management chain in all public administrations, notably the secretaries general, directors of Human Resources and directors of general affairs.
_«These are important managers who must master all of the processes linked to the management of human resources and therefore career and salary. Until now we have worked a lot with their colleagues, the cell heads, but obviously as you know, things can only really go in the right direction if the senior officials of administrations have a good mastery of this application»_  Explained Minister Joseph LE.

The main advantages of the platform AIGLES are, a permanent monitoring of the effective presence of all public agents at their workplace through biometric terminals, digital archiving, improved traceability reducing risks and irregular practices, real-time processing allowing rapid and fluid management of administrative acts, automatic processing of progress with immediate financial effects, a modernized and accessible user interface. *« AIGLES is an integrated solution that corrects the limitations of old systems, while making major innovations »* Stressed Minister Joseph LE.
The induction seminar, ended on January 17, 2025, during which, stakeholders of the task force, noted a series of resolutions, notably the English version of all documents ( electronic and physical) relating the software application AIGLES, and   the commitment of all Secretaries general, directors of Human Resources and directors of general affairs, to be ambassadors of AIGLES application in their different administrations.



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Smart Campus : Le Comité de pilotage du projet officiellement installé


La première session du Comité de pilotage du projet de campus numériques s'est tenue le 20 janvier dernier, en présence des ministres Minette Libom Li Likeng (MINPOSTEL) et Joseph Le (MINFOPRA). Cette réunion a marqué l'installation officielle du Comité de pilotage et du coordonnateur du projet.

Le projet de campus numériques est un projet avant-gardiste qui vise à promouvoir la gouvernance électronique au Cameroun. Il est le fruit de la coopération entre le gouvernement camerounais et l'Agence coréenne de coopération internationale (KOICA). Le projet a pour objectif de sensibiliser et de renforcer les capacités des agents publics, ainsi que de mettre en place les conditions nécessaires à la modernisation de l'administration publique.

Le Comité de pilotage et l'Unité de gestion seront en charge de la mise en œuvre du projet. Le Comité de pilotage aura pour rôle d'impulser la vision stratégique et de superviser les activités, tandis que l'Unité de gestion sera chargée de l'implémentation et du suivi opérationnel des activités.

Les recommandations issues de la réunion incluent l'accélération des procédures relatives à la construction des campus numériques, la construction concomitante de ces édifices, ainsi que la tenue d'une rencontre bilatérale entre l'ENAM et les ingénieurs pour discuter de la façade du bâtiment du campus numérique de l'ENAM. Le ministère des Postes et Télécommunications a également été invité à veiller à une fourniture de qualité du service internet.

Les membres du gouvernement ont exprimé leur satisfaction quant aux échanges qui ont eu lieu lors de la réunion, qui marque définitivement le lancement des travaux du Comité de pilotage. La date des prochaines assises sera communiquée dans les prochains jours.


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Performance: Du sang neuf au MINFOPRA pour l'essor d'AIGLES

Le Ministre de la Fonction Publique et de la Réforme Administrative a présidé, le 11 novembre 2024, dans l'amphithéâtre Jacques Meunier de l'Ecole Nationale d'Administration et de Magistrature (ENAM), la cérémonie d'installation des nouveaux responsables promus au sein de son département ministériel.

Cet événement s'est déroulé en présence de plusieurs membres du gouvernement.

Deux moments clés ont marqué cette cérémonie : la prise de fonctions des hauts responsables nommés en vertu du décret N⁰ 2024/04820 du Premier Ministre, Chef du Gouvernement, et celle des responsables promus au poste de sous-directeurs et assimilés ainsi que des Chefs de service, selon l'arrêté N⁰ 007186/MINFOPRA du 5 novembre 2024 de Monsieur Joseph LE.

Parmi les heureux promus, on retrouve notamment Mr ABESSOLO ALO'O Ghislain, Conseiller Technique N⁰ 1; Mr NTIFA Moïse Hervé, Chef de Division de la Coordination Nationale du SIGIPES; Mr BENGONO Danick Armel, Chef de la Division des Systèmes d'Information et Mme MBOE OTTOU Christine, Chef de la Division des Administrations de Souveraineté. Le Ministre Joseph LE leur a souligné l'importance du dévouement au travail, de la rapidité dans le traitement des dossiers, de la lutte contre les pratiques incorrectes et notamment le harcèlement des usagers. Il a également insisté sur la discipline et le respect de la hiérarchie.

A l'attention des autres promus, il leur a recommandé de faire preuve d'un "respect scrupuleux de la hiérarchie, d'abnégation, de disponibilité, de rapidité, d'efficacité et d'efficience", tout en ajoutant leur touche personnelle en faisant preuve d'anticipation, de bonne coordination, d'écoute et d'organisation méthodique du travail, tout en restant loyaux envers leur hiérarchie et en évitant toute influence négative pouvant compromettre les résultats attendus.

Il a souligné que l'ajustement des équipes vise à terme la performance, l'efficacité et l'efficience, et a rappelé que chaque maillon de la chaîne doit contribuer de manière positive au progrès de l'organisation. Ainsi, le MINFOPRA a fixé le cap pour donner une impulsion réelle à AIGLES qui décollera le 1er janvier 2025.

✍️ Alvine AMARA

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