Launching of recruitements for the 2019 budgetary year Opening of competitive examination 05 July 2019 05 July 2019 Hits: 4850 COMPETITIVES ORDER TRAINING COMPETITIVES NYSC 2019: recruit 20 student Senior Youth and Action Instructors (IPJA), 20 student Youth and Action Instructors (IJA) and 15 (IAJA) NYSC 2019: recruit 25 student MPEPS and 25 student MEPS NIYS 2019: recruit 15 students (CPJA) and 15 students (C]A) NIYS 2019: recruit 20 student Sports and Physical Education Tutors (PEPS);20 student Assistant Sports and Physical Education Tutors (PAEPS) 5 student Meteorology Engineers 10 student Senior Meteorology Technicians and 15 student Meteorology Technicians DIRECT COMPETITIVES 10 Surveys Technicians. 10 Inspectors of Documentation 22 personnel into the corps of Civil Engineering civil servants, 15 Journalists, 498 personnel into the corps of Rural Production (Agriculture) civil servants, 60 personnel into the corps of Rural Production (Rural Engineering) civil servants, 20 Senior Translators, 20 personnel into the corps of Civil Aviation civil servants, 70 personnel into the corps of Livestock and Maritime Fishing civil servants, 77 personnel into the corps of Animal Industries civil servants, 18 Meteorology Technical Assistants, 30 personnel into the corps of Mines and Geology civil servants, 15 personnel into the corps of Posts and Telecommunications, 10 personnel into the corps of Telecommunications Techniques civil servants, 38 personnel into the corps of lndustrial Technology civil servant, 290 personnel into the corps of Public Health (Medical Officers and Nurses) civil servants, 75 personnel into the corps of Public Health (Medical Technology and Sanitary Engineering) civil servants, 50 Clerical Officers, for the 2019 session. 100 (one hundred) personnel into the corps of Revenue Services (Treasury) civil servants, SELECTIONS TESTS 885 Technical Grade One Teachers governed by the Labour Code 225 Midwives governed by the Labour Code Prev Next