Final results of the special recruitment of fifty (50) Justice Auditors and thirty (30) English-speaking Registrar students at ENAM, 2020 session
- Competition Results
- Hits: 2292
Orders of 26th fabruary Publishing the final results of some directs competitives examinations for the 2019 session.
- Competition Results
- Hits: 2683
The following candidates, placed in order of ment, subject to capacity and other requirements for absorption into the Public Service, have been declared successful in the directs competitives examinations for the 2019 session
10 (ten) personnel into the corps of Civil Aviation civil servants,
35 (thirty-five) personnel into the corps of Livestock and Maritime Fishing civil servants,
37 (thirty-seven) personnel into the corps of AnimaL Industries civil servants,
30 (thitry) personnel into the corps of Mines and Geology civil servants,
15 (fifteen) personnel into the corps of Posts and Telecommunications Operations civiL servants,
10 (ten) personnel into the corps of Telecommunications Techniques civil servants,
38 (thirty-eight) personneL into the corps of industrial TechnoLogy civiL servants,
Orders publishing the final results of the direct competitives examinations to recruit into the corps of Public Health
- Competition Results
- Hits: 2620
The following candidates, placed in order of merit, subject to capacity and other requirements for absorption into the Public Service, have been declared successful in the follow direct competitives examinations to recruit personnel into the corps of Public Health, for the 2019 session:
100 personnel (Medical Officers) civil servants,
125 personneL into the corps of Public Health (Nurses) civil servants,
Candidates hereby declared successful in the written parts of the competitives examinations, into the corps of public health
- Competition Results
- Hits: 2192
The Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform herebyannounces:
The following candidates, placed in alphabetic order, are hereby declared successful in the written parts of the directs competitives examinations, into the corps of Public Health , for the 2019 session.
100 personnel into the corps of Public Health (Medical OHicers) civil servants,
125 personnel into the corps of Public Heslth (Nurses) civil servants,
- The Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform hereby announces the successful candidates in the written parts of the direct competitives examinations for the 2019 session
- Orders to amend cetains provisions of 03 Orders of 06 September 2019 to release the list
- RESULTS TO admit into year one 30 student Court Registrars and 50 Pupil Magistrates of English expression of the Magistracy and Court Registry Division of the National School of Administration and Magisrracy (NSAM) for the 2019/2020 academic year