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Fight Against Corruption (APNAC): MINFOPRA receives Members of the executive bureau of the Network of Cameroonian Parliamentarians


The fight against Corruption is primordial at MINFOPRA. From establishing policies to taking active action the Ministry of the Public Service has remained on alert on anti- corruption actions within the Public Service. This was the basis of discussion between APNAC and MINFOPRA today 17th January 2023 at the MINFOPRA conference hall.

The meeting which was presided over by the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform, Joseph LE, was the occasion to present to the members of parliament, the multiple actions that have been undertaken at MINFOPRA to kick corruption out of MINFOPRA and guarantee user satisfaction.

In his opening address, Minister Joseph LE noted amongst other mechanisms; the creation of a toll-free number that gives users the possibility to present their complaints, an engaged presence and follow up on almost all social media platforms, the existence of an interactive program dubbed “You and Us” to guarantee direct interactivity with users, the existence of a suggestion box in the Minfopra main building etc.

Commenting on the Minister’s speech, the head of mission of the four- man delegation of parliamentarians, the honourable Essomba Bengono Engelbert saluted the MINFOPRA for the brilliant work that has been done so far and precised that, MINFOPPRA has been rated amongst the best in terms of fight against corruption and the echoes are positive from the National Assembly. He however urged Minister LE to more diligence in his work and share best practices with others so they could learn from his example.

The meeting ended in a working session.

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ENAM 2022 results: joy and celebration amongst bike riders in Yaoundé.


With shouts of joy and motives of unflinching  support to the Head of State, H.E President Paul BIYA, representatives of the Bike Riders' trade union in Yaoundé , stormed the main building of MINFOPRA today 27th December 2022 to celebrate the admission of their colleague into the prestigious National School of Administration and Magistracy.

Congruent to the policy of equal opportunities and equal chances for all, the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform as well as the management of ENAM have admitted a bike rider into ENAM.

SOULEYMANOU who is now admitted into cycle B of General Administration at ENAM testifies of his total satisfaction with the Head of State, H.E president Paul BIYA and attests that indeed hard work pays because he did not bribe anyone to gain entrance into ENAM. The young bike rider, has become the first to emerge to this levelling up and this defies the pessimistic perception of some Cameroonian youths who think entrance into ENAM is subject to bribery and corruption.

In response to the effervescent atmosphere created by the bike riders, Minister Joseph LE  recalled that this success is the result of hard work  and the fact that the Head of State's policy considers all groups, tribes and races in Cameroon. For the Public Service boss, only two things are necessary to succeed in the ENAM concours: first of all, the candidate’s performance and secondly, regional balance. To conclude his speech, he encouraged all youths to continue to believe in the Head of State and not to be discouraged because their stories can change at anytime.

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Samuel Eto’o Fils at MINFOPRA 

Sports, an essential factor for human development and a unifying factor in nation building, was the main agenda of discussion between the President of the Cameroon Football Federation, Samuel Eto'o Fils and the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform Joseph LE, during an audience this Monday 09th January 2023 in his cabinet.

In  prelude to the launching of a veteran  championship competition, the President of FECAFOOT saw it necessary to invite  the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform to participate in the exercise. According to him, sports, especially football is very important.  

For  Minister Joseph LE, in the administration we don't need to work only everyday, we also need to relax.  football being a major sport in Cameroon therefore,  it could be important for the Public Service and FECAFOOT to have a convention that can help both institutions to continue to promote football.  Eto'o is here to encourage veterans to be unrelenting about joining the football revolution.

In fact there are beautiful prospects between FECAFOOT and all strata of our society. Football doesn't have to be limited to the professional level, it has to consider every one; little children,  youths and adults alike and Eto'o hopes to vulgarize this agenda in all administrations. The  exchange of new year wishes and MINFOPRA’s offering of a symbolic gift to FECAFOOT President, closed the audience.

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SERVICES DECONCENTRES: La Délégation Régionale du  MINFOPRA-Nord désormais bien logée

Le Ministre de la Fonction Publique et de la Reforme administrative, Joseph LE a procédé  à l' inauguration du bâtiment abritant les services déconcentrés du MINFOPRA pour la Région du Nord,le 20 décembre 2022 à Garoua.

Tout neuf, tout beau, majestueux et flamboyant... Le nouveau bâtiment qui abritera désormais les services de la délégation régionale du MINFOPRA pour le Nord affiche fière allure. Il a été inauguré en cette matinée du 20 decembre 2022, pour le grand bonheur de ses personnels et des agents publics de la ville de Garoua et de ses environs.

Pour cet exercice solennel, Monsieur Joseph LE, Ministre en charge de la Fonction Publique et de la Réforme Administrative était entouré de plusieurs autorités administratives et municipales de la ville ainsi que d'une forte délégation de ses proches collaborateurs venus de Yaoundé pour l'occasion.

La cérémonie riche en sonorités et en couleurs  a permis  de découvrir après  la coupure du ruban symbolique et le dévoilement des plaques signalétique et commémorative, le bâtiment de type R+2. Celui-ci comporte 35 bureaux, 4 magasins, 1 salle de conférences, 1 salle d'archives, 1 salle multimédia, 10 toilettes et un grand parking. Il dispose d'équipements  modernes permettant de garantir son autonomie en eau, en électricité  et en services numériques de dernière génération, par le biais d'une connexion à la fibre optique de CAMTEL. Ce qui permettra de disposer en tout temps, de l'application SIGIPES, outil indispensable au renseignement des usagers, pour ce qui est du traitement de leurs dossiers.

Le nouvel édifice marque donc l'avènement d'une  ère de gestion déconcentrée harmonieuse des agents publics pour la région du Nord. Ils n'auront plus faire les déplacements pour Yaoundé dans le but de suivre leurs dossiers.

Une dotation  de quarante-cinq millions (45.000.000) de Francs FCA inscrite dans le budget de l'exercice 2023 permettra de doter cette délégation régionale  en mobilier de bureau tout neuf.

L'inauguration de cet édifice s'inscrit dans le prolongement du vaste programme de construction et de réhabilitation engagé  par le MINFOPRA  depuis 2019, avec une  serie d'ouvrages déjà réalisés à  Douala et à  Bertoua, pour le compte des services déconcentrés  et la rénovation du bâtiment principal du MINFOPRA à  Yaoundé.

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