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MINFOPRA chairs the seminar to guide stakeholders involved in the organization and coordination of government competitive examinations.

MINFOPRA chairs the seminar to guide stakeholders involved in the organization and coordination of government competitive examinations.

The minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform Joseph LE today, 30th June 2021, presided over the capacity building seminar for staff involved in the chain of reception, physical and electronic validation of application files and marking of scripts of government  competitive examinations.

The seminar which brought together all stakeholders involved in the chain of organization and coordination of government competitive examinations took place in the new Minfopra conference hall as well as through video conferencing for personnel of Minfopra working in the regional delegations. It was aimed at drilling these stakeholders on acceptable actions to implement it in the various processes involved in the organization and coordination of government competitive examinations.

 During the seminar, the minister Joseph LE insisted on the need to eradicate malpractices that have been recurrent in the organization and coordination of government competitive examinations. He equally encouraged all stake holders ( regional delegates, designated personnel, markers, and specific directors) directly involved in the process to ensure the scrupulous implementation of the recommendations that sued from the seminar.

 It is worth noting that this year, the organization of the government competitive examinations will also involve the use of electronic platforms specially designed for the purpose. This would therefore necessitate much attention from the path of the stakeholders in order for the entire process to run smoothly.

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