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COVID-19: Vaccination Campaign for the personnel of MINFOPRA

COVID-19: Vaccination Campaign against COVID-19 for the personnel of MINFOPRA

In the presence of the Minister of Public Health Mr. MANAOUDA MALACHIE, the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform Mr. Joseph LE, launched a vaccination campaign last Friday, for the staff of the Central Services of MINFOPRA as well as those of the Regional Delegation of the Centre. The first day registered great success, as a massive number of personnel, over 143, adhered to the Members of government's words of encouragement by accepting to take the Johnson &Johnson and Sinopharm vaccines. “It is good for us to respect all the barrier measures, but above all, get vaccinated. This is why we are launching this campaign today at the MINFOPRA” explained The Minister M. Joseph LE.

According to the Minister of Public Health, Minister MANAOUDA Malachie, there are 5000 Johnson and Johnson vaccines available in Cameroon. The vaccination campaign will end next Friday, September 24th, 2021.

Note should be taken that, the two Members of government, got vaccinated few months ago and now decided to do same for all the personnel of MINFOPRA. Minister Joseph LE  also foresees to extend the campaign in all the regional delegations of MINFOPRA. “I want to say thank you to our collaborators who took part of the exercise. This campaign will not stop here at the Central Services, but will extend to all the 10 regions of Cameroon”.



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