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Ministers Joseph LE and Malachie MANAOUADA visit the anti Covid-19 vaccination pools in yaoundé

                                                             Ministers Joseph LE and Malachie MANAOUADA visit the anti Covid-19 vaccination pools in yaoundé
With main objective to sensitize and encourage the personnel on ground and bring clarifications where necessary, the two Ministers, Joseph LE of the Public Service and Administrative Reform and Malachie  MANAOUADA of public  Health undertook a supervision visit  in all 8 pools today 22nd November 2021.
 This is the first time Cameroon is receiving the anti Covid-19 vaccines and the anti campaign against the vaccines which had been circulating before the launch of the pro- vaccination campaign last 10th November needed to be debunked by answering some pertinent questions of the targets of the operation, who constitute states workers and pensioners.

In a synergy therefore of efforts, the ministers were welcomed at different Administrations( MINESUP, MINJUSTICE, CONSUPE, MINEPAT, MINTOUL, MINTP, MINHDU, MINFI, MINSANTE, MINEE, MINPMESA, MINCOM etc.) by the representative  members of government who also signaled the importance of the campaign to their collaborators.   
Beginning from pool 1 at the Ministry of higher Education, (MINESUP), the enthusiasm was high as some state agents could be seen consulting the health personnel on the field to get vaccinated. At the Supreme State Audit, the Minister delegate at the presidency in charge of Supreme State Audit, Mrs MBAH ACHA Rose emphasized the fact that the vaccines don't kill but help to reinforce the workforce for a good work rendition. At the Ministry of Public Health, Minister Malachie MANAOUDA  insisted on the stringent measures and dispositions taken within his ministerial department to encourage the personnel to get vaccinated.  
Everything being equal, the campaign is on and despite some challenges, state workers were reassured of the non- harmfulness of the vaccines which have been sufficiently made available for their wellbeing at the different pools spread across different Admnistrations.

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