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ILD 2023 At MINFOPRA: Activities continue with an Educational Talk

ILD 2023 At MINFOPRA: Activities continue with an Educational Talk

In prelude to the upcoming 137th edition of the international Labour Day, the Ministry of the public service and administrative reform, organized an educational talk today, to raise awareness on issues of resilience, decent work and stress in the workplace

"Moving from fragility to resilience through decent work", "stress in the workplace, the mental and psychological well-being of the worker”, were the two exposés which were presented today 28th April 2023 during an educational talk organized as part of the week-long activities marking  the International Labour Day, under the theme «safety and health at work is essential for social justice »

As early as 10:16am, the talk was launched, under the chairmanship of the Secretary General of MINFOPRA. The Regional Inspector of work number 3 for the Centre, FOUGNIGNI LIETMBOUO Emmanuel who was the first to present, exposed on how to deal with the situation of fragility, as well as how to face the daily shocks at work and the rights of workers. *« A worker is not to be harassed or discriminated against because of race, color, religion, sex (including pregnancy, sexual orientation, or gender identity), national origin, disability, age (40 or older) or genetic information including family medical history and receive equal pay for equal work»* he explained.

He equally laid emphasis on the role of social dialogue in the workplace to improve working conditions. Social dialogue is done through the staff representative who plays the role of transition between employers and employees, the advancement committee and the disciplinary board.

The Manager in security and health at work  MEDJENG ELOUNG Estelle focused her presentation on stress in the workplace. At the start of her talk, she gave the definition of the psychological well-being at work. « Psychological well-being at work can be defined as a positive subjective experience where one tends to express the best of oneself and which is built through oneself, through one's social relations at work and in interactions with one's organization » she said.

Mme Estelle ELOUNG, went further to give the causes of stress, the stressors and the types of stress.

 As is the tradition during conferences, the aforementioned presentations gave rise to a question and answer session during which participants posed different questions to  clarify their notion of the things presented by the experts. The talk eventually came to an end with the closing remarks of the Secretary general of MINFOPRA, Mr Maina ANATOLE encouraging all workers of MINFOPRA to more probity in their work and assuring them of the head of department, Minister Joseph LE's support to their well being at the workplace.


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