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TEACHERS’ CRISIS: The messenger of the Head of State Minister Joseph LE, at Maroua Teachers Training College.

TEACHERS’ CRISIS: The messenger of the Head of State Minister Joseph LE, at Maroua Teachers Training College.

With the Secretary General and some Directors of MINFOPRA, Minister LE, was welcomed at the Amphitheater 500 of the Maroua Higher Teachers Training College yesterday, to relay the new Presidential measures which will solve the delays in the treatment of Teachers’ Integration Files.

 Minister LE's working visit continued in Maroua yesterday.  It was with a view to raising awareness and explaining the new measures of the Head of State, that opt for the rapid treatment of Teacher's files. At his arrival, Minister Joseph LE and his suit were hosted at Kongola-Djoulgouf-Kodef campus, by the rector of the University of Maroua Prof. Idrissou ALLIOUM. After appreciating  the Minister for his presence, he informed him that that 794 students will graduate from the HTTC of Maroua this end of year  and hence, they  will  be able to benefit from this new instructions of the Head of State.

In his speech, Minister Joseph LE announced that, the documents of the graduates will henceforth be treated directly at the regional delegation of MINFOPRA in Maroua town. _ « The files of the graduates will no longer have to travel the 1500km from Maroua to Yaoundé, they will now leave here for the regional delegation of Minfopra here in Maroua._ »  said Minister LE.

Moreover, he specified that, some of the documents which they had already  provided  during  their entrance examination into the Higher Teacher's Training school will also be used for the treatment of their integration file. An example is the  certificate of non conviction  which often takes a lot of their  time and  of energy.

 By the end of his speech, the students and officials retorted with applaudes afterwhich questions were posed for more clarifications.

After shedding light on the questions, the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform reassured the students of MINFOPRA’s engagement to making the  instructions of the Head of State  a reality in days ahead. « Dear teachers, the glimmer of hope is not far away, tomorrow more than ever you will be very moved » he mentioned.

Before closing the working visit, MINFOPRA’s delegation stopped at the regional delegation of MINFOPRA for the Far North. Once there, he addressed his  collaborators and  warned them against introducing inaccurate data in the digitalization system given that, henceforth,  the regional delegation of MINFOPRA for the Far North, will digitalize the files of  HTTC graduates and transmit to Yaoundé. In addition,  instructions were also given to the regional delegate for the Far North, to organize a capacity-building seminar for future graduates, with the aim
of informing them about the new Presidential measures.

After all the above mentioned, the Minister and his suit left the teachers, officials and students of the Far North region in total joy and celebration.

MBAL Linda/ Journalist/ Communication Unit MINFOPRA

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