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PROCESSING OF TEACHER'S FILES: MINFOPRA completes his tour in an exhaustive Press brief.

PROCESSING OF TEACHER'S FILES: MINFOPRA completes his tour in an exhaustive Press brief.


20 days of face-to-face communication between Minister Joseph LE, and the students and officials of the HTTC and HTTTCs of the country ended yesterday in a press brief  to the attention of  teachers and the general public on MINFOPRA's implementation of the presidential new deal.

From now on I think I can say that the young graduate will no longer wait beyond 90 days before being integrated or having his service number_...( Joseph LE, Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform).

This is the main thing to remember from the words of the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform Mr. Joseph LE, at the  7 Teacher Training Colleges of the country. This tour which began on the 16th of March ended on  April 4, 2022 at the amphitheatre 300, of the Yaoundé Teachers Training College. The aim of this tour, was to communicate on the new measures to ease the procedure for processing teachers' files.

In his speech  to the students and officials of the Yaoundé HTTC, Minister Joseph LE, specified that the documents which they had already provided during their entrance examination into the Higher Teachers Training College, will also be used for the treatment of their integration file. An example is the certificate of non conviction which often takes a lot of their time and of energy. He also invited the officials and students of the HTTC and HTTTC  during their working session to begin, if this is not yet the case, the authentication of the diplomas of future graduates and at the same time, the constitution of their integration files.

To crown this epic tour, the MINFOPRA took the floor yesterday on a press brief to explain the actions that have been taken by his Ministry to execute the President's instructions owing to the Teacher's crisis which began last February 2022.

According to Minister LE, solutions have been made for the 2 things which pose the major bottle necks in the treatment of Teacher's files;

 1- The authentication of Teacher's diplomas with delays in receiving responses from government departments and  institutions issuing them. As solution, MINFOPRA has decided to start the process as soon as the successful candidate enters the first year of their training.

Also an initial budgetary provision within the framework of the 2022 financial year has been made to enable MINFOPRA acquire a software specially dedicated to the authentication of certificates in collaboration with MINFOPRA, MINESUP, MINESEC,  MINEDUB, MINSANTE  and all other government services and institutions issuing certificates in Cameroon.

2- the other problem identified concerns the constitution and forwarding of absorption files of graduates of the HTTC. To solve the problem, the files must now be completed 3 or 6 months before the end of their training. These files  will be immediately  forwarded to MINFOPRA regional delegations which will digitise the constituent documents of the said files, from whence they will be recorded in the computerised System for Integrated Management of the State Personnel and Payroll (SIGIPES) to ensure traceability and their immediate transmission to the department of Career Management in the central services. The Department of States Human resources will simultaneously  establish certificates of assumption of duty which shall be enclosed directly in the absorption files received from the regional delegations. In total the absorption file of a young graduate from the HTTC which used to take 25- 30 months to reach MINFOPRA will take barely one day and they will only have to wait for 90 days instead of 2 - 3 years to receive their service numbers and absorption decisions.

Concerning statistics of the documents treated within the context of the  Rapid Results Initiative, launched last 3rd March to treat over 8000 teacher files in 15days, the MINFOPRA noted that over 17, 143 files were received instead of the initial 8000 and from these, 4, 885 service numbers were generated and 2,784 draft decrees have been forwarded to the Prime Minister's office for signature.

While ending his speech at the end of the Press briefing, Minister LE said  brainstorming is ongoing with MINESUP to come up  with  projects  for best conduct to adopt for the corresponding activities that now bind the two ministries. Plans are also being made to continue to intensify and  digitalize the absorption files of the HTTC and HTTTC graduates.



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