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THE PUBLIC SERVICE: MINEPAT Receives Two New Governance Tools

THE PUBLIC SERVICE: MINEPAT Receives Two New Governance Tools

With his colleague the Minister of Economy, Planning and Regional Development Alamine OUSMANE MEY, Minister Joseph LE, co-officiated yesterday, the official handover ceremony of the user’s guide and the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development’s administrative procedures manual.


An unusual day, this August 10, 2022, at the Ministry of Economy, Planning and Regional Development (MINEPAT). Transparency of the public service, demystification of the processing of files, improvement of the performance of the services and the fight against corruption, are the reasons for the design of MINEPAT’s Administrative Procedures Manual and the User’s guide, handed over to Minister Alamine OUSMANE MEY, in a view to act within the framework of the implementation of a high directive from H.E.M Paul BIYA, which prescribes the modernisation of the Cameroon public administration. “We are acting within the framework of the implementation of a high directive from H.E.M Paul BIYA, which asks us to modernise our administration. Modernising is not just about it tools, it is also about reviewing our work tools, making the task easier for users. It is precisely the two documents that we have just submitted to MINEPATMinister LE explained.

At 2:30pm, the event was launched with the introductory word of Minister Joseph LE, who expressed his gratitude for co-chairing the ceremony and described the documents, drawn up following a participatory approach, involving both experts from the permanent secretariat for administrative reform and the business executives of MINEPAT. The administrative procedure manual is an instrument of transparency, traceability of file processing circuits and improvement of service performance made up of 395-pages written in English and French, which brings together 93 essential procedures. On the other hand, the user’s guide is an information tool intended to inform the public about the 93 essential services of MINEPAT, specifying in particular the conditions to be fulfilled, the competent services and the normative deadlines.

 Next to take the floor was Minister Alamine OUSMANE MEY, who showed his gratitude to MINFOPRA, for the success in the production of these administrative documents.  MINEPAT will henceforth align with these of transformation of their ministry. “MINEPAT now has new governance tools that will strengthen existing systems, meet may challenges in the accomplishment of its missions.” Said Minister OUSMANE MEY.

To close this official handover ceremony, Minister Joseph LE, called on other administrations to follow the example of MINEPAT and participate in the elaboration of their administrative reform instruments.


                                                         Linda MBAL/ Journalist/ Communication Unit

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