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Official launch of competitive Examinations into the State Public Service: 2,685 spaces available

Official launch of competitive Examinations into the State Public Service: 2,685 spaces available


Recruitment into the State Public service has officially been launched. Job searchers and State workers desirous of incremental changes in grades in the State Public Service can now begin making steps towards securing their place in the 2685 spaces made available this year.

 In a press brief that took place today at the Ministry of the Public Service and Admnistrative Reform, the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform,  Joseph LE officially announced the launching of the government competitive examinations  season for the year 2023.

According to Minister LE, a total of 2,235 new staff will be recruited into the State Public Service through direct competitive examinations and selection test, while another 450 spaces have been reserved for civil servants who want to progress in their grades within the public service.

The distribution of places for new recruits considers: 1,210 openings for direct competitive examinations into the corps of (Agriculture, rural engineering, mining and geology, industrial techniques, water and forestry, civil engineering, livestock and maritime fishing, animal industries, public health, telecommunications techniques, revenue services, information technology and teleinformatics), 300 openings for training competitive examinations excluding ENAM, 275 openings for the recruitment of student civil servants for the mainstream sections of ENAM, 60 openings for the special recruitment of legal probationary and student court registrars for the common law ENAM, 290 spaces for State employees governed by the labour code by means of selection tests( environmentalists, executive secretaries, midwives, technical and vocational grade one teachers), and 100 places for the special recruitment of translators and senior translators-interpreters for which the final results were released on June 07th 2023.

Amongst others, some changes that can be mentioned for this year include: an increase in number of spaces as compared to last year's quota for direct and training competitive  examinations,  the reinstatement of professional competitive examinations for the change of grade within the public service and the registration fees which have increased from 15000 FCFA to 25000FCFA for   category A and B exams, and from 15000 FCFA to 20,000FCFA for category C and D exams, the age exemption for people with disabilities  increased to a maximum of 05years above the age limit set for each competitive examination.

In his concluding remarks, the Public Service boss called for vigilance on the part of postulants, precising that they can denounce any acts of corruption by contacting MINFOPRA’S anti-corruption unit on the e-mail Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. or Cette adresse e-mail est protégée contre les robots spammeurs. Vous devez activer le JavaScript pour la visualiser. or use the toll free number:1522 or by mobile on 699645868/ 222 23 0285

It is worth noting that, in line with MINFOPRA’S agenda to digitize the recruitment process of government  competitive examinations candidates can register online using the address https:// and complementary information concerning government competitive examinations are available on MINFOPRA’S digital platforms  so access is guaranteed to candidates anywhere in the world.


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