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MINFOPRA hands over piloting instruments to MINSANTE

MINFOPRA hands over piloting instruments to MINSANTE

 In a ceremony that took place today at the " Centre de Coordination des Opérations d'Urgences de Santé Publique (CCOUPS)", the Inspector General of the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform( MINFOPRA), Mme TABOD Jacqueline, representative of the Minister of the Public Service and Administrative Reform officially handed over piloting instruments to the Inspector General of the Minister of Health, Mr BAKAR OUMATE, representative of the Minister of Health.

The ceremony which brought together officials of the Ministry of Public Health and the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform respectively, was marked by the speeches of the representatives of the two Ministers( MANAOUDA Malachie and Joseph LE) and the symbolic handover of the manual of procedures of human resource management and the user's guide for compiling human resources working documents of the Ministry of Health.

According  to the representative of the Minister of Health, these piloting instruments elaborated with technical support of MINFOPRA will contribute to  improving the work performance of staff of the Ministry of Health and the quality of services rendered to users. He appreciated the work done by Minister LE and his team towards the rationalization and improvement of governance in the health sector.
In her speech for the occasion, the representative of the Minister of Pubic Service and Administrative Reform, appreciated the Minister of Health and his team for a fruitful collaboration towards the realization of the instruments which will henceforth serve in the best interest of the staff and users of the Ministry of Health, hence expand government's vision in the management of human resources in the health domain. She detailed out the content of the two instruments elaborated in 3 sections each, making precision on the various parts and chapters which contain a complete list of career instruments to guide health administrators and users.

The speeches were concluded by a symbolic handover of the instruments to the Inspector General of the Ministry of Health as well as officials of the two Ministries.
It is hoped that the use of these instruments will indeed contribute to the simplification and dematerialization of administrative procedures and facilitate access to public services for users of the Ministry of Health. As always, the User is King.

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