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Rapid Results Initiative: Modernising and securing documentary heritage at MINFOPRA

Rapid Results Initiative: Modernising  and securing   documentary heritage at MINFOPRA

This year we want to resolve the problem of preserving our archives. As you certainly know in most of our administrations, archives are poorly preserved. However, these are extremely important documents. It is the memory of a country, it is the memory of an administration. This is why it is good that we preserve these documents very well because they have an important historical value explained Joseph Le, Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform yesterday, at the  launching ceremony of the 15th series of the Rapid Results Initiative.The meeting that brought together officials from the National Anti-Corruption Commission, the Ministry of Arts and Culture and the Anti- Corruption Commission at MINFOPRA was themed  Improving the management of documentary resources at MINFOPRA

Today, the documentation office is saturated, with about 1,800,000 career management documents signed from 1966 to 2023. The lack of storage spaces, the saturation of shelves for the conservation of completed acts as of the year 2023 are some major challenges. This situation jeopardizes the long-term preservation and security of these documents, as well as the speed of documentary research, with a direct impact on the authentication of career management document. MINFOPRA also has amongst other  missions, the classification and conservation of completed career records of agents public, with a view to optimal satisfaction of users' requests for information.

The National Anti-Corruption Commission (CONAC) has launched the Rapid Results Initiative  in collaboration with government departments, inorder to significantly improve upon the performance of the various administrations and to certify the regularity of management in terms of monitoring procedures. This is a great contribution from CONAC,  to whom we say thank you because these Rapid Results Initiative permits us each year to solve what appears to be a bottleneck in the context of carrying out our missions Said Joseph LE.

Specifically, it will be:

➖ To set up office (117), for the transfer of career acts signed from 2023;

 ➖ To optimise the security of premises for storing completed career documents;

➖ To improve ergonomic working conditions;

➖ To acquire equipment for packaging procedures;

➖ To acquire storage furniture;

➖ To reorganize the documentation office (714);

➖ To reorganize the classification of career acts at the documentation office (714) from 1966 to 2022;

➖ To classify career records at 117 from 2023 to the present;

➖ To digitize career records;

➖ To acquire personal protective equipment;

➖ To transfer the scientific documentation to SCALOM,

➖To significantly reduce cases of corruption.

The Rapid Results Initiative, will be carried out at the Sub- department in charge of the Central Card and Documentation of MINFOPRA, and it will last for the next 100 days, from the date of launch Wednesday July 3 2024 uptill Thursday November 21, 2024.

MINFOPRA also has as prospects, the construction of an archives house  and the setting up of a new software for the logical management of human resources and the payroll. With these innovations, there will be an electronic management of data and a good securization of the physical documents, such that, even State agents  integrated into the public service in the 60s, 80s can have access to their documents.

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